Friday, August 28, 2009

What’s that distant rumbling I hear?....

It’s the mobs and legions of Peabody bass students arriving for the Fall semester!

I’ve been enjoying my summer break to no end, and it’s been incredibly relaxing and refreshing, but I’m also tremendously excited about beginning of this year at Peabody. We have one of our largest incoming classes in years, and are looking forward to a year of great work, music-making, and hopefully a fair amount of fun along the way.

After a pretty moribund summer, the blog is going to be warming up as well. Besides the occasional post from me, we’ll also be exploiting our new media empire as we launch our Peabody Bass Department page on Facebook, and join all the cool kids with our own Twitter feed. We’ll be offering more video and audio content, more contributions from students and alumni, and hopefully some guest posts from our new guest faculty members, Faculty Artist in Residence Hal Robinson and orchestral repertoire class instructor (and my NSO colleague) Ira Gold.

Watch this space for all the details...

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